Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Bath Time??

Yesterday, July 12, 2010, I received a phone call from my mother; just as I had arrived home from work. She wanted to know if she could come over and charge her phone. I laughed and said "did you lose power again"?? (They lose power ALL of the time)!! She told me she wished that was the case.

My mom had returned home from the store to find 2 fire trucks and EMS outside the house. Turns out a pipe on the main floor bathroom had busted; sending water all over the house!!

They currently have furniture pushed to one side of the room, in three rooms. They have carpet pulled up and blowers are running. A restoration crew has been at the house for two days sealing off the hardwood flooring to try and save it. The blowers they set up are running 24/7 and are LOUD!

They most likely lost some of the theater seating furniture in the basement and will defiantly need to get new wiring and light figures for the basement. My mom had also been getting item together and boxing them for a yard sale toward the end of July... several boxes of items were lost as well.

This kind of thing ONLY happens to the Dargan household... let's cross my fingers I don't bring this "luck" with me to the future Archerson household :)

1 comment:

  1. Just FYI.....this sort of thing happens to every family at some point. A series of craziness WILL happen to you guys at some point. :) Be ready to shake it off & laugh at the memories of "remember when this & this & this & this & THIS happened.....ALL AT ONCE!!!" :)
