Sunday, August 14, 2011

Long Time No Talk...

Married life is great! Here is what we've been up to...

Jimmy recently took a new position at Costco. He's transferred out of the maintenance department and is now morning stocking and working in the front end. This new switch has been GREAT for us! Since I've been back in Louisville (May 2010), I've always worked mornings and Jimmy has always been working nights and weekends. Actually having some days off together, and time together after work has been wonderful! We actually feel like we can start our life TOGETHER!!

I've recently picked up selling Mary Kay products. I was looking to pick up a new hobby. When I graduated from college my hobby became wedding planning, with the wedding now over I started racking my brain for new ideas. It just made since to pick a hobby that I not only would enjoy but could also bring in some extra income. And why not sell products that I've been using for years?! I'm really looking forward to this new section of my life.
Be sure to visit my personal website and don't hesitate to contact me if you interested in learning more about Mary Kay products! I look forward to working with you!!

Jimmy is currently training to run a marathon this October in Chicago. He is running for the team World Vision. This is an organization that works with communities in desperate need to help provide things like clean water, nutritious food, education, medical care, and economic opportunity.
To donate toward this organization on Jimmy's behalf visit his personal website. Thanks in advance for your support! Or to learn more about the organization World Vision, click here.

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